Lady Pink Creative is starting a new Featured Artist series on young people creating waves in the creative industries. Our first article is based on Brooke Lagana, a Queensland University of Technology fine arts graduate who has interned for Cathy Henkle (renowned producer of Rise of the Eco Warriors). With solid foundations in filmmaking and an intense passion for the environment and storytelling, Brooke has just completed producing and directing her first stand-alone documentary THE ONE.
Brooke Lagana, 23, filmmaker
"THE ONE is essentially a dummies guide to becoming a bone marrow donor. It sets out to educate people that today we are in dire need of donors and the common person doesn't know that it is so quick and easy to become a bone marrow donor- nowadays it is akin to a blood donation. This film is set out to encourage young people to join the Red Cross blood service and become a member of the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Register. Through a series of interviews from medical professionals and cancer patients, it asks the important question, “Could you be THE ONE compatible donor to saves someone’s life?”
We interviewed Brooke to learn more about her creative journey
LPC: What was the defying moment in your life where you went ‘yep, this is it! This is what I want to do?’
BL: I was home sick from school one day and stumbled upon a marathon of Steve Irwin episodes. I was entranced by him and remember thinking “I want to be just like that, motivate people in the way that he does, teach people the way he does.” I want people to recognise me for my passion and my message; Steve is someone who used his fame for the absolute good of this planet. He brought joy and taught a lot of people compassion.
LPC: What’s your dream job?
BL: Developing media campaigns for a human rights or animal welfare organisation.
LPC: Favourite Creative place/creative watering hole?
BL: The shower
LPC: Tell us about your most rewarding project thus far
BL: The One is my little documentary with a huge message. It teaches people about how to give blood and how to give bone marrow. I let people with cancer tell their stories, to give them a voice and to teach people the importance of donating. This is something very close to my heart and it’s about time we start educating on the simple process that can literally save a person's life.
LPC: Most inspired when...
BL: I was pulling 12 hour shoots during university. A university set is one of the primest examples of the physical labour and love that is filmmaking.
LPC: Tell us a story about your most defining moment in the creative industries
BL: Interning for Cathy Henkel. She taught me that documentary film can and will change the future of our planet for the better.
LPC: When things don’t go 100%, what gets you through?
BL: Finding humour in the situation.
LPC: Who are your mentors and what have you learnt from them?
BL: My parents are my coaches and I consult them before making most decisions. They taught me to follow my heart, that passion comes before money and to never ever give up on myself.
LPC: What advice would you give to a young creative entrepreneur?
BL: Even with a great support network, if you don’t fully believe in yourself then you will stop yourself from succeeding. Snap yourself out of moments of self-doubt and be your biggest fan. It’ll take you far.
LPC: What is your favourite book/s?
BL: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is truly profound and inspiring.
LPC: What can’t you live without?
BL: Music
LPC: What are the essential characteristics to make it in the Creative Industries?
BL: Self-motivation, diplomacy, creative vulnerability, positivity and a sense of humour.
LPC: What is your current or next major project?
BL: It wouldn't be a surprise if I tell you! But it has to do with animal welfare because I am most passionate about that.
LPC: Best advice you live your life by?
BL: Fear is the mind killer
LPC: If your work is what you love, what are your hobbies?
LPC: Photography, singing and cooking
LPC: Where do your ideas come from?
BL: I tend to pick taboo topics, things that have been stigmatised and people who have been marginalised. I like controversy, giving people a voice, telling the truth and educating young people.
My overactive brain spits [ideas] out at 2am and I always write them down on paper.
LPC: What does your workspace look like?
BL: Disturbingly organised- I am extremely finicky with paperwork. There’s currently a salt lamp, hand cream and an oil burner on my desk.
LPC: What do you love the most about your career?
BL: I get to play an inventor, an investigative journalist, a creative writer, an entertainer and a teacher all in one.
LPC: What is your (or your businesses’) mission statement?
BL: Karma is only a bitch if you are
LPC: What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
BL: It would be that I never opted for career in another field because it was safe, expected of me or gave me a better income.
LPC: How would you define work/life balance?
BL: I’m a workaholic but I have the most amazing friends who remind me to chill out!
LPC: If you could go back and do something differently, what would it be?
BL: A veterinarian who busks on weekends
THE ONE - Promo
A Day in the Life of Brooke
8:00- COFFEE
9:00am- Respond to calls, texts and emails
11am- Travel to location recce with d.o.p, take stills and test shoot
12:30pm- Put out a casting call on the Internet and arranges audition times
2:00- Meeting with client to brainstorm ideas for upcoming shoots
3:00- Using stills from test shoot to story-board and schedule shoot
5:00- Gym
6:00- RED WINE
7:00- Generate a call sheet for the shoot
10:00pm- Script writing or editing depending on the job
To read more about THE ONE visit
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FNQ Premiere - Munro Theatre May 24, 2015
BRISBANE Primiere - Global Theatre May 30, 2015